New Vision Outreach, a registered Tennessee Faith-Based Community Initiative Member, is dedicated to providing Christ-Centered, Substance Abuse Use Recovery Programs, free of charge to the resident, for anyone who has decided that they are ready to get free from the bondages of addiction, including people who are caught up in the legal system due to the consequences of their entanglement in the drug culture.
God empowers the staff and numerous volunteers, as we have built a drug coalition, home based in Hardin County, Tennessee, linking up with churches, ministries, communities, education systems, political/community leaders, judicial systems, mental health organizations, department of human/children services in Middle and West Tennessee, and
North Mississippi and other areas across the county.
We are extremely excited about the response and cooperation that NVO is receiving from the numerous Judges, District Attorneys, Sheriff Departments, Probation/Parole Officers, and Attorneys as we are combining efforts to fight the drug epidemic that is destroying lives and families across our communities, states and nation.
We do not refuse help to anyone that has a desire to change their lives with God leading the way.
Judicial Page